1. Lost: Via Domus Review - IGN
Feb 28, 2008 · Via Domus is wisely set up as an adventure game. This makes perfect sense for a property like Lost, where exploration is more common than action.
4-8-15-16-23-42 If these numbers mean nothing to you, then nothing in Ubisoft's Lost: Via Domus will make a damned bit of sense. Based on ABC's popular drama, the videogame version of Lost gives fans a view of first two seasons of the show through the eyes of a brand new character, Elliott. A previously unseen survivor of crashed Oceanic flight 815, Elliott finds himself suffering from amnesia -- and suffering through a weak adventure game to boot.
2. The Lost videogame wasn't all bad - PC Gamer
Jul 24, 2020 · Well, as we've established, it's a bad game, full of frustrating design and lame set-pieces. But if you are, or ever were, a Lost fan, and you' ...
Revisiting Ubisoft's TV spin-off.
3. Lost: Via Domus Reviews - Metacritic
This game expands the show's fiction and reveals a few mind-blowing twists, including one that has completely altered all of my theories about the show.
After Oceanic Air flight 815 tore apart in mid-air and crashed on a seemingly deserted Pacific island, its survivors were forced to find inner strength they never knew they had in order to survive. The band of friends, family, enemies and strangers has become reluctant heroes who must work together against the cruel weather and harsh terrain if they want to stay alive. Danger and mystery loom behind every corner on the island, and those they thought could be trusted may turn against them. Even heroes have secrets. [Ubisoft]
4. Game Review: LOST Via Domus - by Makin - Record Crash - Substack
Sep 25, 2022 · The plot amounted to a whole bunch of nonsensical mysteries being presented to the main characters, who are just trying to survive in a deserted island.
Hey son, I'm over here, in the banyan trees.
5. Lost: Via Domus Review - GameSpot
Feb 29, 2008 · This short adventure game nails the feel of both the show and the island on which it's set, but struggles with some of the characters.
This short adventure game nails the feel of both the show and the island on which it's set, but struggles with some of the characters.
6. Lost: Via Domus user reviews - Metacritic
It's clunky, poorly designed and although it looks quite good, the island is so 1-dimensional that you can rarely go off a set path. The characters were not ...
Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only Metacritic.com uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed.
7. Lost "Lost" Review - Via Domus - Giant Bomb
Feb 26, 2008 · The actual gameplay, like the story, has the right size and shape for a Lost game, with a focus on dialog, puzzle-solving, and some light action ...
Didn't Ryan review this game when the site was still just the blog? Is it lingering around here somewhere or was it never moved over to the site prope
8. Game Review: Lost Via Domus (Xbox 360) - Ars Technica
Mar 11, 2008 · Strictly speaking, this is a boring game. The mini-games are dull, and the exploration is fairly limited thanks to linear areas. The story and ...
Lost: Via Domus is surprisingly not as much of a cash-in as you might think…
9. Lost: Via Domus Reviews - TrueAchievements
LOST: Via Domus (better known to most as 'That LOST game') is a single player adventure, where you play as a 'Lostie', who is never seen in the TV show. He has ...
Reviews of Lost: Via Domus by users on TrueAchievements. Should you buy Lost: Via Domus? Find out here.
10. Review: Lost: The Video Game (Via Domus) - Xbox 360 - HEXUS.net
Mar 20, 2008 · It was always going to be a mammoth task for any developer to take on the LOST series and be able to smoothly chisel it into a viable gaming ...
It was always going to be a mammoth task for any developer to take on the LOST series and be able to smoothly chisel it into a viable gaming entertainment experience, but such is the success of the drama that it was only a matter of time before someone took on that daunting task. Ubisoft Montreal step up to the challenge...